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As the problems of eating meat floated on the surface of the water, the number of owners who want to change to a vegetarian diet also increased in the cats' diet as well as themselves.

But animal experts said, "Because cats are predators, basically they need meat to survive."

Let's find out why cat needs meat.

Dogs can live with vegetarianism, but cats can not live without meat. It is a carnivore with a cat's body structure, such as sharp teeth, claws, and short digestive system. Therefore, even if the owner is vegetarian, the cat must provide an appropriate amount of animal protein such as chicken and fish every day.

In addition, cats can live by eating grains, but caution is necessary because ingestion of grain can cause skin itching, hair loss, or inflammation. You can use it as a cat's food to make sure that the cat has no side effects before feeding the grain.

An animal expert warned that "if the cats lose their health or are seriously ill due to the wrong food choices, their lives could be dangerous." As cats are predators, they should eat proper nutrition foods mainly for meat.

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