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Vaginitis, which can be caused by various causes, is a relatively common cold-like disease in women. Vaginitis is a condition in which the vaginal mucous membrane is infected with bacteria, and the infection progresses due to E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus. Especially in summer, it is important to note that harmful bacteria may enter the water park or the beach. When vaginitis occurs, the vulva is always moist, and it may be tickling and burning. There is a lot of cold, and the cold becomes turbid, and it is possible to get rid of blood.
In the case of Candida sulphitis, lumpy secretions are produced, and pain or itching occurs, and pain occurs during sexual intercourse and urination. Trichomoniasis vaginitis is caused by bubbles and odorous vaginal discharge, causing the vulva to swell and itching. In the case of bacterial vaginosis, yellowish or grayish vaginal discharge occurs and fishy smell may occur. Bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis are sometimes absent. Therefore, it is advisable to take an obstetric examination regularly to prevent vaginosis and sexually transmitted diseases, to detect it early, and to treat yeast infection. If you have vaginitis, you can visit the vaginitis pharmacy and consult your doctor before taking vaginitis.

Let's look at the cause of vaginitis

If the humidity is not well controlled in the genitalia, it is a good environment for the growth of bacteria, so it is better to wear underwear made of cotton because vaginitis is easy to happen. To prevent vaginitis, even if the inside of the vagina is forcibly washed, it is not good to prevent vaginitis. This is because the anaerobic bacteria tend to grow because the inside of the vagina often changes to alkaline when washed. In addition, when antibiotics are used in excess, beneficial bacteria present in the vagina are easily eliminated.

Yeast infection in menopause

Women are prone to atrophic yeast infection when the fertility phase is over and the menopause is over. Atrophic vaginitis, which often occurs in the nineteenth to fifty generations of menopause, is a vaginitis that occurs because the vaginal mucosa is thinner and the secretions are fewer. The secretion of purulent secretions occurs, and bleeding or pain occurs during sexual intercourse. It is recommended that atrophic vaginitis be treated with female hormone therapy or topical female hormone ointment or vaginal use.

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