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'Veganism' is a lifestyle associated with hippies and anti-materialist movements.

People who are pursuing vigilance have the belief that they should not be exploited or cruel to animals, and should not be used for food or clothing.

Because of this, vegans do not consume meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, honey, or eggs, nor use animal products.

Anynna Ahuza, a Financial Times science journalist, said that in recent years, interest in animal welfare, the environment and health has become more popular.

In fact, millions of people around the world are now practicing non-government. According to a survey conducted by the 'Vegan Society' in 2016, 542,000 people are vegan in the UK, Scotland and Wales, with over half of them under the age of 34. This is a remarkable increase from the 150,000 in 2006.

The more vegans are aged between 15 and 34, the more likely they are vegetarians.

On the other hand, the British Dietetic Association recognizes that vegan is healthier than other diets and is suitable for all ages. However, there is a split opinion about raising a child as a vegan.

As a result, Independent contributor Olivia Peter asked experts in the field to analyze the risks and benefits of a vegetable-based diet on children.

Risks to Watch Out for

Judy Moore, a nutritionist, said, "If you raise your child as a vegan, nutrient deficiency, insufficient energy intake, and late growth and development are big problems."

Ana Cristina Scarf, a pediatric nutritionist, supports Moore's claim that "nutrient deficiency is a common problem among all veggies," he said, "especially iron deficiency, B12 and iodine deficiency."

"If the diet does not provide adequate amounts of fat and protein, growth will be hampered," he added.

Considering that childhood is an important step in growth. It is important to meet high nutritional and energy requirements. But a vegan substitute can not meet the standards. For example, an Italian infant born to vegan parents was hospitalized with malnutrition and hypocalcemia.

In addition, there were cases in which a 14-month-old child was admitted to a hospital because it did not reach the average weight of a 3-month-old infant. Due to malnutrition, the infant's congenital heart disease worsened, and fortunately emergency surgery could save lives. It turned out late that the child's parents were raising a child with a vegetable-based diet without supplements. Eventually, the authorities dismissed the child from his parents.

Does it have the advantage of raising a child in a vegan diet?

Moore and Scarfock argued that providing a vegan diet to their children had no health benefits, but Bach van de Boer's dietist objected.

"If it is not overly restrictive, it is possible to raise your child into a vegan diet," Bohr said. "The vegan diet can supplement other nutrients such as calcium and fatty acids in foods such as tooth, flaxseed and walnuts."

"Low saturated fat in a vegetable-based diet is beneficial in itself," he said. "There are reports that saturated fat and many chronic diseases are related, and the risk of heart disease, diabetes, It can be reduced to a vegetarian diet. "

Important notes

Several risks have been identified, but adhering to a vegan diet is not dangerous for children. However, there are precautions here. If you raise your child as a vegan, you must do it the right way. In other words, alternative nutrients that can supplement nutrients that are as deficient as possible should be sought.

In addition to nutrient replenishment, your child's vegan diet must be nutritionally perfect. The diet should consist of sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fats to ensure your child's caloric requirements are met. Add snacks during meals or include foods rich in vitamin C in the diet to meet calorie intake and improve iron absorption in vegetable-based foods.

Given all the above facts, it is not a problem to raise your child as a vegan. However, making your child choose this lifestyle is your responsibility to pay attention to your child's nutritional requirements and eating patterns. You should refrain from overly restrictive diet and focus on your child's health and happiness.

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