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Source: Pixar Bay

Frequent drinking, overworked stress, irregular eating patterns, irritating foods, and repeated reflux esophagitis symptoms are muddy, difficult to digest, when you have a feeling of rising gastric juice or something in your neck . But after a certain period of time

Severe abdominal pain or weight loss begins, and gastritis symptoms such as indigestion, discomfort near the stomach, pain in the mouth, abdominal bloating, anorexia and vomiting appear.

Source: Pixar Bay

If the gastritis continues to persist, it can be transmitted to the gastric ulcer or gastric cancer in severe cases

Because it causes, there is a way to visit the nearest internal medicine in a short time. However, if you take the usual lifestyle and diet management by replacing the food with good gastritis, you can prevent it and help relieve symptoms.

Source: Pixar Bay

A good food for gastritis is the cabbage, which is rich in vitamins U and K.

Cabbage regenerates and protects the damaged gastric mucosa and prevents mucous membrane bleeding.

Vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals are abundant, so that ingredients are not destroyed as much as possible.

Grind and consume as juice or drink.

Source: Pixar Bay

In addition, if the digestion is not good due to the symptoms of gastritis, the protein is not good enough to digest the soft tofu through the protein can be ingested with a small amount of vinegar to supplement it to promote the secretion of stomach acid and iron absorption .

Source: Pixar Bay

On the other hand, foods and habits that are not good for gastritis should be improved, such as irritated salty or spicy flavors, burdock or fish, low-and high-risk foods, excessive drinking, caffeinated beverages, high-

In addition, it is good to release stress promptly through constant exercise.

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