Source: Pixar Bay |
Blueberries are known to be one of the most popular snacks in the summer, and many are also served with cereal for breakfast. "Blueberries are delicious and nutrient-rich fruits," a nutritionist MeganWar said in an article in Medical News Today. Blueberries can help protect the body from heart disease and cancer, and have ingredients that are effective in mental health, bone health and blood pressure.
Blueberries are purple due to the flavonoid-based 'Anthocyanin' component. Anthocyanins, also known as antioxidants, have many health benefits such as reduced risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. It also improves skin and hair health, increases energy, and helps with weight loss.
"Blueberries contain iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and vitamin K," Ware said. Both these vitamins and minerals are beneficial for strengthening the bones. Iron and zinc are needed to maintain joint flexibility and strength.
A cup of blueberries contains 24% vitamin C to prevent skin damage from harmful ultraviolet and air pollution. Vitamin C is effective in helping to create collagen, eliminate wrinkles and improve skin texture.
To keep your blood pressure healthy you need to consume less sodium. There is little sodium in the blueberries, but it contains a large amount of calcium, potassium and magnesium. A diet lacking these minerals can cause hypertension problems. A study published in 2015 found that people with metabolic syndrome had daily blueberries for six weeks, but had no blood pressure problems.