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Many entertainers have chosen the Wufud diet as a way to lose weight, and the popularity of a diet that only eats a single meal is continuing. Among the wanfood diet, the green tea diet is relatively easy to ingest, and many women choose diet food, but caffeine is involved, so be careful about side effects.

Catechin efficacy

Catechin is a type of polyphenol, which is easily tasted of green tea. Catechin powder is rich in antioxidants and is good for suppressing aging. Vitamin C is known to be good for preventing tooth decay because it is more effective antibacterial. It also lowers blood sugar levels and increases insulin resistance, helping to reduce diabetes and body fat.

Catechin diet

The method of catechin diet using green tea catechin ingredient is simple. The recommended daily intake of catechin is 300 to 1,000 mg, so drink 3 to 10 cups of water a day instead of water. It is recommended that you eat with a diet controlled diet, and replace it with green tea to drink sodas, coffee, juice, yogurt, etc., because drinking green tea while eating may cause serious health problems.

Catechin Side Effects

Catechin is known to have few side effects, but because it contains caffeine, excessive use of it can cause heartburn and insomnia. Also, if you drink on an empty stomach, you may be able to stimulate it. Also, it is not a side effect of catechin itself, but it is recommended to avoid people who have anemia because the tannin ingredient which can be ingested when drinking green tea hinders the absorption of iron.

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