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A healthy chapter represents a high energy level, a strong immune system, and the ability to fight disease. "Mental health and well-being, 80 percent of happiness, depends on how healthy the bowels are," says microblogger Kiran Krishnan.

This fact helps to understand how bowel health affects well-being, emotion, and ultimately happiness levels.

There are numerous symptoms associated with bowel problems. One of them is the 'Leakage Syndrome' which causes diseases such as mood disorder by accumulating toxins in the circulatory system and brain.

Proper exercise is essential to prevent intestinal leak syndrome. Endorphins released during exercise are beneficial to health. Endorphin is a chemical that gives a feeling of well-being to the brain as a reward. It is produced through exercise and functions to release toxins by moving the body system.

It is important to have the right kind of food to have a healthy digestive tract. To release toxins from the stomach and intestines, fiber-rich foods are helpful. Rather than eating the same food all the time, it is also necessary to consume the nutrients in a variety of foods.

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