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Everyone should have been there sometime at night. Even if you close your eyes and cover your futon, it is only time. Caffeine intake or insomnia is a typical reason for not sleeping at night. Caffeine is a component contained in leaves and fruits of coffee and tea. In recent years, besides coffee, caffeine can be found in soft drinks and nutritional drinks.

Why I can not sleep - Caffeine

Caffeine, which is a reason for not sleeping at night, has white crystals. When you eat the right amount of caffeine, it stimulates the central nervous system and metabolism to help reduce fatigue. It cleanses the mind and temporarily prevents drowsiness. Caffeine, which is the reason for not sleeping, has an effect within an hour after it is absorbed. If you want to sleep well, you should avoid taking coffee 3 to 4 hours before sleep because the effect disappears after 3 to 4 hours. If you take caffeine frequently, you may become resistant to it, and you may feel weak when you do not sleep at night. However, people who do not eat caffeine often do not sleep when you eat caffeine. Caffeine poisoning can occur if you take a lot of caffeine for a long time. It can cause insomnia, irritation, anxiety, and digestive system abnormalities such as gastric ulcer and erosive esophagitis.

Why I can not sleep - Insomnia

When I do not sleep, I need to suspect that I have insomnia. Insomnia means that you do not get enough time to sleep because you are too busy with your studies or work, but you can not sleep even if you have plenty of time. Even if you wake up too early or have a good night's sleep, you may be sleepy if you keep sleeping. Insomnia, which is the reason for not sleeping at night, is insomnia related to mental illness, insomnia related to pain caused by medical illness, and hypothalamic anxiety disorder and alcohol dependent sleep disorder.

How to Overcome Insomnia

When you do not sleep at night, insomnia can become chronic if it lasts for a long time, so efforts to improve it with cognitive behavior therapy and medication are needed. Light exercise during the day helps to overcome insomnia, and should not drink alcohol for sleep. Also, avoid eating or drinking large amounts of water before going to bed to overcome insomnia.

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