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Nutrition experts warned that women who are experiencing menstrual periods should be careful about food to ease menstrual cramps and make a healthy uterus. Find out what food to eat and what to avoid, and prevent menstrual irregularities, menstrual cramps, and pre-menstrual syndrome.

Food to eat

Menstruating women should eat magnesium, fatty acids and iron-rich foods. During the menstrual cycle, you should consume nutrients that are effective in your body's toxin emissions. Nuts, pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate are rich in magnesium. Magnesium is a nutrient needed to prevent muscle contractions that cause spasms in the abdomen.

Foods rich in fatty acids include coconut, olive oil, and eggs. Because it is a healthy fat essential for balancing the body's hormones, even those who are interested in diet, do not forget to supplement their nutrition.

Because menstrual blood is released from the body during the menstrual cycle, women need to maintain iron levels in the body. Fruits, green vegetables, legumes, and lentils are good sources of iron. Red meat and spinach also contain iron and zinc to relieve swelling and seizures due to inflammation.

Light exercise, such as stretching or yoga, is good for the uterus, so you should do it every day during menstrual cycles. It is also recommended that cotton sanitary napkins, tampons, and menstrual cups be used to address hygiene problems during menstrual periods.

Food to avoid

Foods containing preservatives or substances that cause inflammation of the uterus should be avoided during menstruation. Avoiding some caffeinated beverages or alcohol can relieve menstrual cramps. Caffeine affects the digestive system and makes the body swollen. Alcohol also interferes with the interfacial filtration in the body.

Foods rich in estrogen, the female hormone, can also affect uterine health. Estrogen is mainly contained in soy milk products.

On the other hand, lack of sleep and excessive exercise also cause menstrual cramps. Women who are physiologists should take enough rest to supplement iron and reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms.

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