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It was found that the meaning of each puppy sounds is different.

Experts explain that if they recognize the difference between the sounds they make, they will understand the puppy better.


According to the Holodeck Journal article, the most common sound a puppy makes is howling. Dogs tend to bark for a variety of reasons. This includes, but is not limited to, pleasure, demand, attention, fear, anguish, boredom, alertness and suspicion.

Observing that dogs behave while they are barking leads to more clues. The puppy will not stop barking until it attracts attention. Dogs are doing their best to communicate. Therefore, you should be patient enough to understand them.

For a more objective observation, you can compare barking and other sounds. For example, a painful or insecure puppy who is enduring isolation or separation barks with repetitive, high tones. When the puppy is more distressed, the barking reaches a higher tone.

If the dog is alert, the sound is short, firm, and sharp. A fearful bark is similar to a barking warning, except that it has a stronger intensity. When a dog is bored, the barking is monotonous and repetitive.

Growl wait

A common sign that puppies growl is to prepare for the aggressiveness that is widened when they are constantly provoked or angry by other puppies or people. Do not make the situation worse because you react negatively because the puppy can mistake it.

But when a dog growls it should not be concluded that it is already hostile. If the pup is roaring at a low tone, it means that you want to be happy or play.


Puppies often ask for help because they are sick and tearful because they feel pain. Use this sound when you are trying to convey the pain to the master or other members of the group. Dogs expect a positive response when they communicate their pain. For example, if another puppy is too aggressive, it will bump or croak.

This sound, on the other hand, can be as exciting as the time the master who has been waiting all day or the weekend finally returns home. This type of whining comes with other actions, such as barking, jumping, and licking. The whining sound of excitement sounds less intense and softer than whining. The important thing is to watch carefully the body language or behavior that will complement the meaning behind the lull.


As described in Mizu, puppies use cries to communicate with their members for various reasons. Some of these reasons are to alert other dogs to warn other rivals in occupied territories or to search for other members of the herd and begin hunting.

In addition, puppies cry when they separate or suffer. The cry of a puppy is usually caused by stimulation of high pitch.

Dogs can not speak, but they can communicate well with expressive body language. Be aware of the difference between the sounds produced by puppies and learn to understand puppies better.

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