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Recently, few women visit obstetrics clinics due to their pregnancy troubles.

However, recently published studies show that older men are less likely to conceive women than younger men.

The success rate of a couple who naturally or medically expects to become pregnant depends on the age of the male. Decreased sperm count and sperm count in older males reduce the likelihood of becoming pregnant.

In addition, older sperm are more at risk for genetic errors and can lead to disability in children, such as autism and schizophrenia.

On the other hand, older women are more likely to become pregnant with younger men under 30 years of age.

It is not clear why men's fertility deteriorates with age.

"The best pregnancy advice we can make is to maintain a healthy lifestyle," said Dr. Laura Dodge, an Israeli medical center and Harvard Medical School.

He added that the more men and women are healthy and younger, the greater the likelihood of becoming pregnant.

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