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A recent study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry showed that exercise for one hour per week is effective in preventing or treating depression. The study was the largest in the history of more than 30,000 adults. This study proved that exercise is very effective at least for mental health.

Research conducted by the Iowa State University research team found that interval training with high intensity in a short period of time is not a sustainable exercise method to lose weight and maintain an active body and mind. Such high intensity exercises are gaining popularity recently, and there is controversy in the United States about whether it is appropriate to prevent and treat obesity and heart disease.

In addition, those who have started an interval training tend to stick to this exercise method even after losing their flesh as much as they want and try to increase the amount of exercise through other exercises. It is exercise addiction. As a result, discussions about the mind and body reaction that lead to obsessive - compulsive exercise along with exercise addiction are spreading.

Let's start with the simplicity of exercise. People who do not exercise at all are twice as likely to have depression than those who exercise at least one to two hours per week. In detail, at least one to two hours per week of exercise reduced the probability of depression by 22%, while the probability of depression increased by 44% if you did not exercise at all. In addition, even if the amount of exercise is very small, the frequency of depression is reduced by 12% if you exercise regularly.

The study was conducted for 33,908 Norwegian adults for more than 11 years and the team observed their depression, anxiety symptoms and exercise. Healthy groups reported exercise frequency and intensity, and they were able to choose the intensity from the least effortless to the breathy and sweaty. Participants submitted their own reports of depression or anxiety.

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On the other hand, recent high intensity exercise has been a pandemic. Many people choose this exercise because they can spend a lot of time and exercise a lot. However, this interval training may have problems. Fanlee Rayman Eke Kakis Professor of Physical Kneeology at Iowa State University studied how the brain and the body react to exercise, and especially focused on how pleasure and discomfort occur simultaneously through exercise. Professor Eke Kakis explained that the key to the interval training is to cause maximum discomfort for maximum results.

"If you want to hurt an hour of exercise in less than a minute, you have to pay the price of 100 percent strength. So this kind of exercise is a disgusting activity. " He added that even after one minute of exercising, it is unlikely that he will be helpful to his body and health if he feels uncomfortable.

"It is better to think of cycling as an opportunity to do outdoor activities and spend time with your family, not just as an exercise," Professor Eke Kakis said. One of the things that many people are worrying about is how to make exercise fun. I want to find a good reason to exercise a heavy body. However, there are quite a few people who feel that it is not enough to balance exercise and intensity with proper time and intensity.

Lisa Andrews spent a lot of time at the gym after seeing a 12-week training program advertisement on Facebook after giving birth and thought it would be better to do the exercise in a short amount of time. Lisa says, "There are about 100 ways to work out. I was very excited when I first started. There are various levels so you can start from the desired level. However, it was not hard to do a high intensity exercise every day, starting from the middle level. I often felt tired and could not breathe when the exercise was over. But I feel great. "

"The better you get, the better your workout. I wanted to do exercise and always talk about exercise. I also invited friends to this program. I had to repeat the program twice a day. Aside from other activities, I just did exercise. I felt depressed and withdrawn from exercise. " Lisa is an example of psychological side effects due to lack of exercise or excessive exercise. Lisa is praising her exercise is essential to eliminate depression and high intensity exercise is the best. However, Lisa was obsessed with exercise at the level of addiction and had a fatigue fracture on one foot.

Rick Miller, a sports nutritionist, says, "A lot of young people follow Instagram Gym Fitness Stars and follow the exercise of trainers they do not even know. But this exercise can be a way or strength that does not fit your body. If the general public do not develop basic physical strength and follow professional trainers' exercise methods, it can lead to injuries and exhaustion. "

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