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Depression is a fatal disease that can lead to death or suicidal death if the symptoms persist and the emotional anxiety and depression persists, and it is good to try to prevent and treat the initial symptoms. Learn about early symptoms of depression and self-diagnostic tests.

Early symptoms of depression

People with depression, such as middle-aged depression, menopausal depression, postpartum depression, and adolescent depression, have similar symptoms, regardless of age and gender. The main symptom of depression is depression, loss of attachment and interest in life. Those suffering from depression undergo a vicious cycle in which their symptoms become worse as they suffer from a decline in self-esteem, a decline in sociability, and a negative awareness and difficulty in communicating smoothly. Depression can lead to psychological problems as well as physical self-harm and suicide, which require special attention.

How to overcome depression? Possible to treat depression

Depression should be accompanied by psychotherapy along with medication. In addition, the use of electroconvulsive therapy and light therapy, such as anti-depressants and development of many advances, the side effects are gradually reduced, the effect has been improved many new medicines are being released. The combination of pharmacotherapy and counseling therapy is known to be an effective treatment method because it not only provides a sense of security in the psychological aspect but also can be used to alleviate external risk factors. It is also helpful to drink chamomile tea, which is good for depression and good for food and insomnia, helping to feel psychological stability.

Depression Self Test

There is a high probability that depression will occur if the total score is 11 or more after totaling the scores by scoring 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 3 for each item.

[Depression Checklist]

I feel sad.

2. No courage for the future.

3. I cry out.

4. I think the past has failed.

5. Everyday life is not pleasant.

6. I often feel guilty.

7. I think I am being punished.

8. I am disappointed about myself.

9. I criticize myself for my weaknesses and mistakes.

10. I have an idea of ​​suicide, but I do not want to move to action.

11. More nervous and irritable than before.

12. Less interest in others.

13. I can not make my decision much better than before.

14. I think I was uglier than before.

15. It is more powerful to start something.

16. I can not sleep well.

17. Easier to be tired.

18. I have no appetite.

19. Weight has decreased.

20. I am worried that I might have something wrong with my body.

21. I am not interested in sex life.

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