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Stomach suffers from drinking and overeating. Typical symptoms of abrupt abdominal pain include headache and body aches. You may feel pain or nausea in the abdomen, and symptoms of vomiting or fever may occur. It is recommended to look for the following symptoms and cope with abdominal pain.

1. Skin boil

You can feel the boil hidden deep in your skin as abdominal pain. A small, painful skin lump appears to swell in your body.

2. Cold exposure

Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can cause abdominal pain. Blisters, paralysis, skin rash, tingling symptoms, and the like.

3. gastritis

Inflammation that occurs for many reasons can cause abdominal pain. If inflammation of the stomach causes pain, there is a remedy for gastritis, such as cytosine, famosidine and lanitidine, which can be bought without a prescription.

4. Enteritis

Enteritis is inflammation of the small intestine, and there are symptoms such as abdominal pain diarrhea, fever, anorexia and vomiting. The small intestine is easy to confuse because it is connected with the above.

5. Anxiety disorder

People who suffer from anxiety disorders are atrophied and at the same time become tense. If this condition persists for a long time, it can cause abdominal pain by causing eating disorder.

7. Food poisoning

If the stomach is sick due to the intestinal tract, it is accompanied by convulsions. Most of them are caused by ingesting contaminated food. If you are suffering from food poisoning, you may have stomach pain, vomiting, vomiting, fever and nausea.

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