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I feel sick in my chest

Suddenly a lot of people are suffering suddenly symptoms of chest tightness, difficulty breathing, many people are worried about whether it is a big disease. There are many causes when the chest symptoms appear to be frustrating.

If you have gastritis or reflux esophagitis, your chest may feel sick and not digestible. Even when I exercise hard, my chest gets stuffy. The symptoms of chest tightness can occur in a wrong posture. Symptoms of chest tightness may appear due to chronic postural defects, such as turtle neck and scoliosis, which protrude forward.

If dizziness and chest symptoms appear, suspect hypertension.

Hypertension, which has symptoms of chest tightness, is also called a murderer of silence because it does not accompany certain symptoms. If the blood pressure suddenly rises, chest symptoms may be accompanied by stuffy symptoms, headache, and dizziness. Especially, arteriosclerosis, which is a typical complication of hypertension, threatens life if accompanied by symptoms of myopia or myocardial infarction. Tension headaches that most people experience can cause chest tightness.

One of the symptoms of depression, chest tightness symptoms

Chest tightness or chest tightness can also occur due to depression. Severe stress from depression can lead to headaches and weakness as well as chest pain. Depression, called the cold of the mind, is a very common disease and very persistent.

Most people do not perceive depression as a disease that lasts depressed emotions. If you have symptoms such as chest tightness and stubborn stomach, and you have symptoms such as helplessness or depression, you should suspect that you are suffering from chest tightness.

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