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Recent studies have shown that sugar has an adverse effect on mental health as well as dental health.

University College London has seen over 8,000 UK people over a long period of time.

The research participants were civil servants and participated in research from 1985 to 1988. Since then, I have completed a detailed questionnaire every three years.

The researchers looked for a correlation between general mood disorder (CMD) and sugar intake, which causes depression and anxiety.

Studies have shown that people who consume high-sugar foods, such as carbonated drinks and other sweet foods, are more likely to develop mental illness in five years and have a negative impact on overall mental health.

However, Kathryn Collins, a spokesman for the British Dietetic Association, claims that the sugar content in the alcoholic beverage is reported to be inadequate because of the sugar content of the alcoholic beverage.

Dr Collins also said researchers did not explain the 'free sugar' added to sugars, hot drinks or cookies that naturally occur in foods such as milk.

"Dietary analysis can not justify researchers' bold claims about sugar intake and depression," Dr Collins said. Reducing sugar intake is good for dental health and can be good for body weight. However, it is unreasonable to watch for sugar intake because it affects depression. "

Nutrition expert Tom Sanders said in a study, "From a scientific standpoint, the difference in the effect of sugar in food on mental health is unclear compared to other carbohydrates."

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