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Garcinia and Cambogia are tropical fruits that grow in southwestern India, Indonesia and Myanmar. The fruit is an orange-sized amber when ripe, and features a yellow bark and a red whitish. Inhabits in damp and forested areas. This Garcia is known as the Garcia Diet because it has an appetite suppressant ingredient and became popular with people.

◆ Effect of appetite suppressant Garminia and Cambogia

According to Diet, Garcia Cambogia helps stimulate the brain and suppress appetite. There is no reported case of addiction, and there is an effect such as decrease of body fat, appetite suppression, cholesterol lowering. People who suffer from weight gain and appetite often use Garcia, which also includes ingredients that reduce LDL cholesterol production and slow the formation of fatty acids.

◆ Notes on my diet and Garminia

There is also a side effect in Super Food Garcinia Cambogia. Therefore, it is recommended that Garcia Cambogia be consumed for 3 to 6 months in order to use it for diet. Also, be careful about taking Garcia or Cambodia extract. According to Ummans, there are reports of serious and fatal side effects of diet pills. Chemical changes in the extraction process produce sibutarimin, which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, jaundice and seizures. For this reason, people who suffer from the related disease must consult the doctor to determine the usage.

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