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Good sleep habits are very important for newborn's emotional well-being and physical health. The sleeping posture of the baby, the home environment, the type of mattress used, and the bed on which the baby sleeps affect the sleep of the newborn.

Parents should create a sleeping environment where the newborn can safely sleep well. This can reduce the risk of injury to newborn infants and the risk of unexpected sudden infant death syndrome.

According to a study by Dr. Joel Bath, a professor at the Department of Pediatrics at Newton - Wesley Hospital in the United States and a professor at Harvard Medical School, the behavior of a mother with a baby is associated with reducing sudden infant death syndrome. In other words, if the mother puts the newborn in her own bosom, it helps to control the temperature of the baby. It is especially beneficial if the mother holds the baby in her arms within 1-2 hours immediately after the baby is born.

The baby feels body temperature and heartbeat on her mother's chest. In this process, the baby's stress level decreases. Also, do not lay your baby on an unsafe bed. However, many parents ignore such risks.

According to another pediatrician, Ian Paul, you should not leave anything besides the clothes your newborn is wearing when you put the newborn. For example, if a newborn is covered with a blanket, the baby may squirm and the blanket may cover the face.

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