The National Cat Show, held on June 4 in Christchurch, New Zealand, is the first cat show ever since the earthquake devastated the city.
More than 200 participants attended the event on the 4th and became very popular.
Some had to wait outside the rain for over 30 minutes to enter the show.
"This show is a national show, so the cats we can see are the best cats in New Zealand," said Ian Gray, chairman of the New Zealand cat fancy group.
Judges, also called fancies, have flew from around the world to screen the show and examine the lengths of cats and fur of various breeds.
According to Jenna Pigden, a cat breeder in Dunedin, many cats were native breeds, but some varieties imported from abroad were also seen to prevent closure of the breed.
Pigden's cat was the main cousin from Ireland, and he had the title of the best cat with long hair in the show.
The owner of the cat said, "This is an honor to my cat. It's really cool, "he said.
According to Ian Gray, chairman of New Zealand Cat Fancy, the competition may seem like a fun time with cats, but competition within the competition is fierce and "uncomfortable" with competition is happening.
The judges are very serious about the examination and proceed according to strict international standards.
Gray said, "An ideal cat should have the right look and appearance, but it should also have good rapport with the owner."
"That's why I have a little bit of personality and a cat that looks good with my eyes," he said.