Last month, Malaysia revised the Animal Welfare Act, which created the obligation of the owner to plan the puppy's "social activities."
"Malaysian animal experts believe that pets need socializing as well as humans," said Ms. Shilin, director general of Malaysia's National Animal Welfare Foundation (MNAWF). "Most pet animals do not cause trouble It is. "We need to train our dogs, such as puppies, or help them to socialize with the help of a professional trainer," he added.
The more time a puppy meets other puppies, the more it helps not only the puppy but also the owner. The level of understanding each other is higher. In addition, Sherlin's explanation is that dogs that have become friends with their friends are less aggressive.
Social activities in Malaysia The Animal Welfare Act was introduced to prevent animal cruelty and promote responsible ownership. "We have legislation that will punish owners who do not provide the appropriate environment for their pets," she said. "Pets should be treated like family, not tools."