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The Himalayan cats, with their whitish and rich fur and relaxed character, are cultivars developed in North America. The Himalayan cat is a cat with short mouth, large eyes, medium-sized tail, and soft hair.

Animal magazine Pet MD said, "The original name of the Himalayan cat is the Kashmir cat." It is named 'Himalaya' because of its white hair.

This breed can live up to 20 years old, and hair is long and soft, so regular hair care is important.

"The history of this breed was born as a result of intensive efforts to develop Persian cats in North America in the 1930s," said Pet MD. The breed developers tried to develop Persian varieties with chocolate and lilac point colors, but with strong chocolate and lilac colored kittens, breed developers considered this a new breed and named it 'Kashmir'.

However, people were not interested in this breed because of the controversy over the new varieties. Since then, Kashmir cats have been introduced only to a few major organizations, such as the Canadian Cat Society, and now it is.

The Kashmir cat enjoys a peaceful environment, has a relaxed character and adapts well in contemporary architectural spaces such as apartments. This is why it fits well with cats.

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