There is little boundary between learning and play when teaching children at the early infant stage. But parents often forget that learning can be fun.
The 'Early Brain and Childhood Development' program of the American Academy of Pediatrics presented a program to develop social, emotional and language skills for children. This program helps children cope with the stress and difficulties that grow up. This program consists of 5 Rs.
Read (R) Read the book with your child every day.
Rhyme (R) rhythm, play and hug every day
Routine (R) Develop routines specifically related to eating, sleeping, and family fun.
Reward (R) Reward your child with praise to promote self-esteem and encourage positive behavior.
Develop (D) Build a strong parenting relationship with your child for your child 's healthy development.
Parents do not need to consult their doctors to implement fun and useful ways to prepare their children for a better future.
Pamela Hai, a pediatrician, said in a Huppington Post that "reading with young children creates a strong bond between parents and children and promotes early language development."
If you are reading and enjoying children's books with your child, you may be doing all these five Rs.