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Teenagers are in a period of upheaval. At this time, adolescents establish their own identity and try various roles. In addition, it can be tempted by alcohol and drugs, wandering, extreme stress, severe self-harm, etc. can act.

At this time, parents may not be able to recognize their confused self. It can be said that the child's emotional ups and downs are severe.

Depralibator Psychology explains that it is possible to treat teenage depression. What is important is that parents must first identify what the problems their children are facing.

"People are often confused by the word depression or boredom or boredom," Battler said. "But there are a few criteria that categorize depression seen by teenagers."

He explained the stages and symptoms of depression that a teenager could experience. Adolescents can become depressed or depressed as they experience struggles, downgrades, and breaks in relationships among friends. This is a temporary step that disappears in a day or two.

If depression persists for more than two weeks, you should diagnose adolescent depression. "These symptoms can have a specific cause or event, and they can be genetic," Dr. Battra said.

How to help teenagers cope with depression

Dr. Battra advised parents on how they can help their children.

1. Children who have been diagnosed with depression should be monitored indirectly because they may be self-harming.

2. Parents need to maintain a comfortable home environment. In this environment, children can talk about their problems.

3. Do not pass blame or responsibility. Dr. Battra advised parents not to criticize their children. If parents are to blame everything their children do, they are likely to avoid their parents, tell their stories, and distance themselves.

4. Have a constant relationship with your child, such as taking a walk with your child or spending a lot of time together. Through these activities, children can escape from depression.

5. When your child is at a stage of recovery from depression, give time but do not ask questions.

6. If your child is willing to commit suicide, the parent should ask for and seek help from a professional to help your child escape from depression.

7. It is important not to lose patience and tell parents what your child means. You should make your child feel that you are not alone.

8. Teacher or friend intervention should take time. Excessive intervention can make children uncomfortable.

9. Parents should make sure their children choose their friends wisely. Friends play a significant role in your child's life.

10. You must understand that your child may experience emotional problems rather than mental illness.

Do not try to teach, but listen.

Depression is a disease that does not improve itself over time. The Mental and Emotional Health Site Help Guide advised parents should actively help their children recover from depression but should not judge or criticize their children.

The important thing is to communicate with your children and count their feelings. If children refuse to talk to their parents, do not give up and wait until they are comfortable. You should also tell them that you are ready to listen to your child's story at any time. The Help Guide says parents should be prepared to spend some time with their children each day without doing anything else.

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