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New research shows that adolescent feelings and behavior changes are not due to hormones. In the meantime, adolescent feelings and behavior change in adolescents was the most contrary to what I thought.

Separation of adolescence and adolescence

Because puberty is part of the human development process, it is difficult to separate adolescents from adolescents even if they are professionals. But the University of Buffalo researchers used Siberian hamsters to separate the two stages of human development.

Matthew Paul, research director and associate professor of psychology at the University of Buffalo, said, "Adolescence and adolescence are simultaneous. If you want to know which one of them is causing the other, you should remove one of them. We do not know how to do that for humans. But the experiment with Siberian hamsters was successful. "

In general, people think of adolescence and adolescence the same. But in terms of biology, puberty and adolescence are different. Adolescence is the stage in which children's body's reproductive axis is activated and the child becomes an adult. In other words, the breast develops in women and the physical changes such as total reproductive development and hormone increase occur in men.

Adolescence is a time when youths show changes in intellectual, emotional, and social aspects. Adolescents are easily swallowed by mental illness, high-risk behavior, and the pressure of peer groups. Teenagers at this time extend their horizons beyond their homes.

The researchers used the seasonal breeding characteristics of Siberian hamsters to separate the two stages. Hamsters born early in the breeding period come early because puberty grows during the long day. On the other hand, hamsters born late in breeding are late in puberty because they grow in a short time during the day. Hamsters that grew up in the long day greeted puberty by about 30 days of age, and the hamsters that grew up in the short time of the day greet puberty about 100 days after birth.

In the experiment, the researchers delayed puberty by adjusting the amount of light the hamster receives. After dividing the hamster model into two groups, I looked at whether the behavioral changes were related to puberty. One group received enough light to reach puberty 30 days later, while the other group received less light and delayed puberty.

The researchers tracked changes in animal division, play, combat, and social superiority. Fragmentation is the stage where a hamster leaves his house and expands his own territory.

"Most animals have a play culture. People are the same. Therefore, play culture is likely to perform a very important function. What we find out of hamsters can be applied to other animals, "he said.

Observations showed that the cleavage step occurred simultaneously in the two groups of hamsters. The division stage of hamsters that received less light ended even before adolescence began. This means that hormonal changes in puberty do not cause behavioral changes. The demise of hamsters affected adolescents' unsympathetic changes.

"The results of this study are amazing. Most people have thought that pubertal hormonal changes are involved in behavioral changes so far. But our research supports that it is not true. "

The researchers also said that research related to mental disorders in adolescence is important. This is because non-physical changes in adolescence can explain why sudden mental disorders occur in adolescent teens.

Non-physical change in adolescence

In adolescence, intellectual, emotional and social changes occur. The purpose of this change is to mature generally before becoming an adult.

1. Intellectual change: Young people have a better idea than children. This is true not only of the present but also of future work. We can also make our own choices in many events and challenges in life and discover possibilities through trial and error.

2. Emotional changes: Young people feel more complex emotions, but they can control emotions when they are angry or stimulated. Friendship, relationship with others, and self-pity.

3. SOCIAL CHANGE: Peer pressure is the main cause of social change in adolescence. Young people find their identity by the surrounding environment. This period tends to promote friendship with people outside the family.

When teenage boys begin, teens tend to move away from their parents, but parents must continue to support their children in this period. Teens have to experiment constantly with what they really want, and parents should help prevent their children from being in danger.

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