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The English name for the ladybug is ladybug. Then can a male ladybird be called a lady bug?

According to the Department of Insectology at the University of Florida, the western region has long favored ladybugs. The name Lady Bug has already been called 600 years ago.

The ladybug can be thought of as belonging to the lord, but it is closer to the beetle. The Seven Ladybugs are beneficial insects and are easily found in nearby gardens.

Ladybugs interfere with the photosynthesis of trees and plants, and infectious diseases are the aphids that eat migrating aphids.

Ladybugs eat up to 5,000 aphids for a lifetime and eat 250 to 500 aphids for snacks. Ladybird larvae eat 200-300 aphids alone. Because of this, it has long been known in the West as a living insecticide ladybug.

Ladybird eggs are small and oval in shape, with up to 15 groups. The color may vary depending on the temperature, but usually it is dark and red.

Ladybugs are aphids are stocks. Lard beetles can be happily planted with a lot of plants that have pollen and honey, but you should not use insecticides to be healthy in the yard.

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