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A Canadian newborn received the world's first health card that did not specify the gender of the child.

Born in November last year in British Columbia, Canadian parent Corey Dorty is a non-binary transgender.

According to the BBC, Dottie has been issued with an identity card that does not specify the gender of the baby and does not specify a gender for the child if he or she is large.

Dotti said in an interview with the CBC: "I will raise my child with all my love until Sheryl has a sense of self and a vocabulary to tell me who he is. I do not want to be listed as a boy or a girl in my child's ID card. He will be recognized as a baby until he grows up. "

According to the report, local authorities initially refused to issue health cards. However, the authorities inscribed the letter "U" in the sex column and sent it to the parents of the baby. U means Undetermined or Unassigned.

Dottie, a member of the Gender-Free ID Coalition, supports a policy urging the adoption of a third sex for identification purposes and also takes into account legal spelling to remove the gender notation from Cheryl's birth certificate CBC said.

Attempts to exclude gender designation from documents published by Dothan are in accordance with personal experience.

"When I was born, doctors saw the genital shape and assumed who I was, and that family followed my identity for life. When I realized that it was wrong, I had to make a lot of adjustments, "Dottie added.

At a court hearing, Dotti said that specifying the sex of the baby 's birth certificate infringes on the freedom of expression and equality of the baby, the right to be equal to anyone under the Constitution.

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