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Japan's long-term recession and aging have led to the problem of aging.

"Senior Citizen Postboxes" clearly shows the dark side of Japan's aging society.

Senior box is a place to connect the local nursing home to the elderly who came with the family. It is pointed out that it is a modern version of 'Obasute' which abandons the old parents because it can not afford to support it.

Obasute in Japan, a form similar to Koryo - jin, means the custom of abandoning old parents because of difficult living conditions. What happened at the top of the mountain in the past is now happening in a new way in the city center.

Japan's old-age population, which reached the age of 100, accounts for one quarter of the total population. On the other hand, production manpower decreased relatively. With the formation of a population cliff, individuals are increasingly burdening the social safety net beyond social units.

In Saitama prefecture, only ten elderly people are born in a year. This was confirmed to be more than the total number of elderly people in the lower poverty countries.

Last month, Japanese social activist Katinori Fujita told an interview with the London Times that "there are some incomes but there are still people who are suffering from poverty and are not helped by the surrounding areas." "I feel shame in telling others to help, I can not ask for it. "

"The abandoned elderly people are often found dressed neatly," he added. "This tragedy is caused by not being able to take care of the elderly."

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