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From diverse industries to everyday life, technology has changed a lot of people. As the age of using technology gradually decreases, there is also a change in the role of parents, especially children. How can I build up children who are more exposed to technology than previous generations?

Children and Technology

In previous generations before technology emerged, children's play was more focused on outdoor activities such as exploring sports and nature. However, the rapid development and progress of technology has begun to change the way these children play. Whether children or adults, they all have activities based on the Internet and online, such as tablets and smartphones. For example, you can search for information on the Internet, communicate with people in distant places via video chat, and play games with people you do not know online. Children now search for more information on social media and enjoy entertainment and leisure on TV with family time.

And this phenomenon has a major influence on children's learning. In this regard, Selig Pasnick, director of the Children and Technology Center, explained that learning for children is driven by human interactions. The more children who are raised by parents who participate more in technology and use the strategy, the more likely they are to experience media benefits.

Indeed, proper use of technology can provide a common language for both children and parents. Matt Loz, a clinical psychologist at the Children 's Mental Institute, said that actually participating in technology can play a big part in adapting to everyday life. Particularly, the parents should be able to establish personal interaction with the child and form a bond with the child, because the parent is the essential element and role model of the child's emotional, mental and physical life. So using technology in the right way can have a positive impact on the development of children. This is where hand-eye coordination, multitasking, and reaction times improve.

However, if it leads to an uncontrollable level, not to the proper use of technology, it becomes a risk factor for both parents and children. In fact, it is not good to expose a child to a digital device until the child turns 2 years old. This is because it is difficult to focus on growth and experience, such as the development of a child's exercise. At this stage, learning to crawl, walk, or run normally can delay the development of these basic developments, effectively exposing them to digital devices.

A child's behavior is also susceptible to technology. According to one study, children using social media often have a 27% chance of developing depression in the second year of middle school. In addition, the teenage suicide rate due to smartphones is also increasing in the US alone. In a recent study by the Pediatric Society, it was revealed that social media helped the early learning of the child while at the same time negatively affecting attention and learning.

Strengthening Children's Ability in the Digital Age

However, as mentioned earlier, the use of appropriate technology can be a benefit to children. Communicating with peers and other friends, revealing their opinions and opinions, can sometimes have a positive impact on social change. Parents should be able to teach and care for their children so that they can use the technology safely in the digital age.

UNICEF, together with the GSMA and Microsoft, recently hosted events focused on three digital topics. The three themes are 'personal information, reputation and interaction between digital media and privacy', 'promotion of digital literacy to foster positive online participation and citizenship', 'internet support for citizen participation and rights' " Civic and industry representatives from all walks of life, including youth activists, bloggers, and internet stars, attended the event and had a heated debate.

At the time, most participants agreed that they needed to find the right balance in helping children use technology. And yet they must be able to verify that they are safe. Natasha Jackson, director of public policy and consumer affairs at the GSMA, encourages the safe and responsible use of mobile services by protecting opportunities for citizen participation, learning, communication and creation, as well as protecting children. Stressed. It is an explanation that all these activities should be centered on the life of young people.

Participants agreed that it is important to empower children in the digital age, and users of all ages have also come to the conclusion that it is desirable to educate them about the dangers of technology and to ensure safety. They also said that products should also be able to mitigate these risks by building safety functions and working with other countries and organizations.

Fostering emotional intelligence of children

Parents should also be able to teach their children the ability to properly manage the value and emotions of self-regulation. Emotional intelligence, along with impulse control, is an important predictor of children's achievement and attainment, and it can prevent distractions and stimuli stimulated by emotions. And eventually to engage in more pro-social behavior and achieve goals.

To do this, it is desirable to know what your child's feelings are, to resolve your child's needs, and to continue conversations and discussions about your feelings.

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