With 260 million children around the world, children do not receive adequate education or even receive no education at all, with 160 million girls among them.
School education brings more than just education. Education has values, beliefs, leadership and everyday social skills.
In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed on 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Once these goals are achieved, severe poverty, inequality and climate change will end the problem by 2030.
Global goals ensure comprehensive and equal quality education and encourage lifelong learning opportunities for all.
If children do not receive quality education for the first time, the rest of the global goal can not succeed. To achieve a somewhat noble goal, the education fund needs to increase from $ 1.2 trillion to $ 2030 to $ 135 for 136 low-income and medium-income countries.
If we do not increase our funding, we expect more than 400 million girls will not be able to attend secondary school until 2030.
"In some parts of the world, students go to school every day," says Malafa Yousafi. It is routine, but in other parts of the world we are hungry for education. "
Similar bloods are advocating human rights, especially in the Pakistani northwestern Pakistan, where the Taliban girls do not go to school, and they are training women in the Swab Valley.
Her advocacy for female education has since developed into an international movement. As a young girl, Malalla opposes the Taliban in Pakistan and advocates education for girls. She was shot at the Taliban in 2012, but survived and won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Gordon Brown UN Special Envoy for Global Education recently appealed to the G20 leaders to support education at the Global Citizen Festival.
He explained how a single decision at the G20 summit could change the lives of 825 million children.
"The International Finance Fund for Education can provide $ 10 billion of additional education funding annually, effectively doubling the global support for education," Brown said.
He urged countries that attended the G20 summit in July to recognize more seriously the importance of universal education for all.