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A male snake has a hemipenis with a penile tip split into two strands. The male snake uses only one of them.

The other is to prepare for the injury of one penis. Females have what is called total excreta, which is an organ that can excrete feces and breed. But there are interesting facts about snake breeding.

Ribas, a researcher at the New Mexico Highland University in Las Vegas, said that female anacondas eat males after mating, like female warts.

Most of the females are larger than males because they are related to larger snakes and stronger offspring.

Male anaconda is attracted to female anaconda pheromone. So many males can be attracted to one female. In other words, One female can meet a hundred males.

"Males invest a lot of effort to find females," Levas said. It is because it is subtitle at first glance, "he said.

He thinks that a single female pairing with several males is a long - lasting mating system of snakes.

The reason why the serpent mating system evolved into this form is not clear. One theory is that females consume nutrients from semen from several males.

But Rivas said that mating with many males competing against sperm is a way to produce a healthy baby.

Sperm compete and remove incompatible or weak genes. A female can store sperm in her body for months to years before it is used for breeding.

The snake breeding competition is fierce. Males often make jelly-shaped male gangrenos and put them on females. But this is not always effective.

Michael Le Master of the University of Western Oregon, who studied red sideline garter snakes, said, "It is the female that decides to open the total dung for breeding. The female also contractions the genitalia to control the mating time, and if the male does not like to stop mating, "he said.

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