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Being a kind and responsible father is a condition for the well-being and future of the child.

Especially when you realize that you have had a baby, you have to accept that your priorities have changed.

Being a father is responsible for the affection, nurturing, providing and showering of some of the daughters' lives.

Later, as daughters grow up, they honor their father, and it is necessary to maintain a healthy relationship between women and girls because it affects the eyes of a man later.

When daughters receive enough love from their father, they can develop men into trust and healthy relationships in the future. Even if the father is no longer with him, the image of the father that the daughters grew up to continue will eventually be passed down to the next generation.

It is good to pay attention to your daughter, but not too much. As a result, daughters can grow up to be materialistic women who can grow up spoiled and receive nothing but men.

To be a good father, your children should be next to them regardless of whether they are good or hard times.

Another way to be a good father is to exercise authority. It does not mean to fear or threaten your daughter. To know what is good or not and to understand the consequences of not obeying your father's authority.

Every woman and wife relationship is unique. There are many unexpected events that often can not be controlled. But most importantly, you should be able to give your child a good example and show him how to do it.

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