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There is no manual to be a good mother. Especially if the baby is your first child, it will be your first experience. Here are some guidelines on how to be a good mother.

It is best to feed your child with the right food, especially breast-feeding. The baby consumes more nutrients through breast milk and strengthens the immune system.

Also, feed your child with organic food. Preservatives should be avoided. The children are having fun when they draw children's favorite pictures in cooking or make food animals.

You have to enjoy every moment. As everyone knows, it is not easy to raise a child, but it is good to enjoy child care. It is hard to be a parent, but it is a time to show how much you love your child.

It is best not to show your child a video or TV whenever possible. There are people who do housework while children are watching TV. On the other hand, it is better to help the child to do housework. Even if your child is concentrating on cleaning one tile, it is a good idea to have the floor clean.

Parents must accept the fact that they can not beat their children. I always think about what is a top priority for a child and how a child can succeed. Even if you keep all the rules to be good mothers, you will sometimes think you are a bad mother.

Children will be punished if they are taught to reprimand their children, to correct their behavior and to apologize if children fight their friends. However, it is also very important to understand how children learn to behave.

We must set a milestone for success and teach our children. Mother is the first teacher of children. You help children when they take their first steps and teach the word "mom".

The children's milestones are your milestones. We must constantly monitor the progress of children. And as a mother and a guide, you should record all these developmental processes.

Do not enjoy something without children. As soon as you become a mother, your friends will not be able to play the night together. But it's okay.

You should never trust your instincts. It is a good idea to listen to the opinions of other mothers about what your child needs. Learning to be a mother is also learning. Do not follow instincts, especially if you hear the advice of your "seniors" like your parents.

These rules are only guidelines, and you can always create your own rules. Even if you say that you are not a good parent, you should not believe it.

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