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A recent Australian Child Health survey found that two-thirds of elementary school students and one-third of preschoolers have tablets or smartphones. Half of them were using smartphones without parental supervision.

The survey said 50 percent of children regularly use head-up display devices at bedtime.

A quarter of them complained about sleeping. Three-quarters of the parents of children under the age of six did not place a limit on the use time of the device.

"If you use a smartphone without time constraints, it will not help anything other than entertainment," said Melvin Royal Hospital Road Pediatrics specialist. "Parents with a high level of device usage are likely to have children with a high percentage of smartphone usage, "He said.

On the other hand, according to the survey, teenagers are most likely to be on the smartphone. They buy these smartphones when they need to focus on something else before they're old enough to have their cell phones.

Some parents handed their devices to children when they needed to cook, clean, cook, or do other things.

"The excessive use of the media is causing more and more negative consequences," said a road pediatrician. Dr. Rod said that social contact with each other's faces and out-of-the-way behavior are essential for the development of mind and body and brain.

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