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There are not many people who will feel good when they hear a nag about "take a leash" at dinner. Especially children. Parents who continue to point out their child's weight problems can cause serious problems, research has shown. The researchers found that words that parents spontaneously spur on their children to lose weight can be accepted as "weight stigma" by their children.

Many people feel shameful in their harsh words and think that people who need weight loss will be stimulated to lose weight. However, in this study, "social stigma is a major stumbling block to binge eating, social isolation, avoidance of health care, and reduced physical activity, rather than causing a positive change, further exacerbating obesity and lifestyle habits" The result came out. In a nutshell, nagging, shame, and letting go of flesh is poisonous than medicine.

Social weighting on weight is literally discriminating against people because of their weight, and fat people, as well as dry people, suffer from such discrimination. People with social stigma are more likely to feel that society does not value or ignore their values. Because people's stereotypes are formed, people who are overweight or obese are tagged as lazy, lack self-control, and dry people have weak and unhealthy eating habits.

In particular, the study found that parents of obese children are also contributing to social stigma. A survey of youths participating in weight-loss camps found that 37% of the respondents said they were harsh or harassed by their parents because of their weight. It means that the parents who have to cover the children are giving the children psychological pressure that they are 'fat'.

Medical doctors who are trying to help the weight loss of obese children are unintentionally reinforcing social stigma. Those who seek medical care to lose weight can feel shame. I think that the fact that I get help from other people for weight control is a proof of my own lack of self-control. If they can not escape from these thoughts, they will indulge in their favorite foods to erase their painful experiences.

Source: Pixar Bay

The authors of the study said, "Healthcare, community, and educational environment can be a force for patients. However, they are not contributing significantly to correcting or resolving social stigma. In this situation, pediatric health care professionals can play an important role in solving the stigma problem of obese children. They can raise awareness that stigmatizing obesity does not encourage weight loss or encourage healthy behavior. "

How to help your child's weight control without branding

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has released recommendations to help parents and children maintain healthy weight. Newly announced recommendations include advice on how family and pediatricians can help children develop healthy habits. The following are ways to promote healthy eating in the home.

- Decrease calorie snacks and sugar-rich drinks. You do not have to throw it out right now. The next time you go shopping for groceries, buy a small amount and gradually reduce it.

- If you have a special occasion such as a birthday, you will have to prepare high calorie snacks and drinks. In this case, you should buy snacks and beverages just before your birthday party and dispose of them after the party is over.

- Instead of reducing high calorie snacks and drinking water, take healthy foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and low calorie snacks. Keep these health foods in easy-to-reach areas that are visible to children.

- Healthy foods should be kept in a prominent place, while high-calorie and low-nutrient foods should be kept out of sight. One way is to wrap it in aluminum foil and store it in the back of the fridge or in the pantry.

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- Encourage your child to eat healthy foods from time to time. It is good to motivate them to eat fruits and vegetables more than five times a day.

Changing your lifestyle also helps your child maintain a healthy weight.

1. Reduce static behavior

Sedentary behaviors refer to spending a lot of time sitting, leaning or lying down. A static posture does not require much energy, so our body can burn a small amount of fat and lead to weight gain. Increasing the standing or walking behavior can reduce the negative impact of static behavior.

2. Increase physical activity

Nowadays, kids like to watch video games and watch TV less often than playing outside. If you have these hobbies, you will have plenty of time to sit down. To increase your child's physical activity, you need to reduce the number of media platforms in your home, such as TVs and video game consoles. If possible, it is a good idea to remove media devices in the bedroom and kitchen.

3. Taking the right amount of sleep

Sleep over 8 hours can result in overweight or obesity. Growing Up For the children to grow up, they have to go to bed at the appointed time. For the growth and maturation of children, proper sleep patterns and adequate sleep are needed.

4. To induce changes in lifestyle

Parents can enjoy bowling or sports together with their children to encourage their children to increase physical activity. Outdoor activities such as fishing can also promote changes in family lifestyles. When parents eat the same healthy food as their children and go to bed in time, they help raise healthy habits, such as the child's diet and bedtime.

5. Exercise in the neighborhood

Jogging, biking, and dog walking are physical activities that can be done in the neighborhood. The easy exercise you can do near your home will increase your physical activity while reducing your child's time to do static activities.

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