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A teacher at Graeme Elementary School in Tella, Oklahoma, USA, is raising money on the streets.

The main character of the fundraising is Tees Dankus, a teacher at the Rames Elementary School, whose purpose is for classroom supplies.

The women who saw Dankus's fundraising were impressed by Dankus's fundraising motivation, saying that he tipped the restaurant and honored Dankus.

Dankes wanted to be aware of the difficulties in schools that were not familiar to people other than to provide supplies for classroom supplies.

I wanted to know that I needed science projects and art supplies such as Dankus beads, pipe cleaners, Google kids, and paper.

"Most children have never left a city or rural town where they live, so teachers want to introduce the world to students," Danks said.

Oklahoma's education budget has declined in the United States. As a result, the class size became larger and the textbook became scarce. Other schools in Oklahoma are in the process of 4 days a week.

Oklahoma was ranked as one of the poorest teachers in the area, with an average teacher salary of $ 45,276, 49th out of 50 US states.

At present, Danks is continuously raising funds online and has recently launched a 'GoFundMe' fund, posting photos on Facebook.

Ducks plans to continue to raise money by helping other teachers through a $ 500 million Web page donor chuse for US public school teachers and classroom projects.

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