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Health Day, a health magazine in the United States, reported that research has found that physical activity can improve a child's brain activity, according to the Society for Research in Child Development.

According to this study, children with more active lifestyles not only have better memory and thinking skills, but also show better behavior and decision-making and achieve better results in academic performance.

The researchers also found that children who exercise regularly are more focused.

Particularly in children with attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity disorder, regular exercise can improve concentration.

The United States 'Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans' recommends parents encourage their children to exercise one hour a day, five times a week. Exercise can vary in form, such as swimming, cycling, running, or just playing with friends. The researchers said that it would be more effective to organize physical activity together with activities that children can enjoy easily.

Exercise can be an opportunity to make your family more secure. The researchers suggest that the family work together to make sure their children have a positive attitude and that they can grow into a healthier adult.

Previous studies have shown that physical activity not only enhances brain function but also reduces the risk of adult diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

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