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Everyone can not be a perfect father. However, the role of the father in child growth is very important, and it is a meaningful thing in the life of the child.

Arthur Weasley, the novel character of Harry Potter, is the father of seven children. Although it does not have a lot of assets, it is a character who helps enthusiastically to get through the various problems that children experience as they grow up. In addition, Lear King is a Shakespearean father who reminds us of the foolish behavior of humans and how to deal with them as humans.

In both novels and reality, father is never perfect. But the meaning that the father symbolizes to his children is enormous. To be a father must be stable materially and mentally.

So what makes a father a true father? What are the most basic factors you need to be a father? The father is not just offering what children need. You should spend enough time next to your children and share your life experiences. This gives the child a way of enduring difficult times.

Role model

One of the father 's important roles is role model. It means that the father soon becomes the role model of the child.

The father affects the emotional and mental stability of the child, and is the core of child happiness. They play a role in educating and caring for their children in terms of mental and social development.

Children are influenced by their father when choosing human relationships such as social life. An article in the Hipington Post addressed the importance of a father who influenced his or her social relations. The father gradually injects values ​​into his or her children and affects them when they make friends in school or choose to marry in the future.

Therefore, role model behavior of the father is important. If your father is a good model for your child, your father becomes a true father. It is important to be aware that your father is an important model for your child.

The father must become a friend after becoming father first.

Strict fathers may have difficulty building consensus with their children. To make your child like learning from your father, you can act like an ordinary friend, share your life story, and give out the most important information when you become an adult.

The father must be a father, not a friend. An article in the parenting media platform service "Fatherly" emphasized the "father effect." The father effect is a concept that can have a significant impact if the father is actively involved with the child. Here 'participation' is the key to making your child feel the presence of the father, and is related to active behavior.

This means qualitative aspects rather than quantitative time spent with children. It is not a big problem that a father can not spend a long time with his children. Qualitative time spent with children forms the father's presence.

How does the presence of the father work?

Becoming a role model for your child and being a friend makes you experience the best father. How does the presence of the father work?

When the father and the child interact one to one, the child experiences the presence of the father. In an article published in the American Psychological Association's Psychology Today, he explained that if a father spends time with a child personally, that is, one-on-one, it can affect his or her social and emotional development.

The best way to do this is to make your child feel full of negative love. This leads to adulthood as well as adolescence and adolescence.

Communication is also an important factor. It can be done by choosing the right language when the father educates his children. Choosing the right word makes your child's way of thinking grow. In addition, this way of thinking helps your child's life. It is also helpful to treat them to some degree strictly to maximize their role as a father.

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