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A Hittite kettle with a smiling face was unearthed.

Archaeologists have recently excavated the city of Karate, the city of Hittite, an ancient country that lived along the Turkish and Syrian borders. As a result, he found 3,700 pieces of pottery, and found a kettle with a smiling face on it.

Archaeologists did not find a smiling face painted until all the pieces of the porcelain were aligned. Pottery is a short off-white kettle with a small handle.

"This kettle seems to have been used to drink sherbet," said Nikolomarketti, an archeology professor at the University of Bologna, Italy. The paintings here are probably the oldest smiles in the world. "

Marquette said the painting on the kettle is a smiley face and looks very much like a smiley emoticon.

The excavated area in the city of Carchemish, where the kettle is found, is replaced by an archeological park with cafes and resting places.

Meanwhile, the teapot with the smiley emoticons will be temporarily stored in the local museum until the new park is completed, and will be displayed in the park when the park is created.

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