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Source: Pixar Bay

In a report on the development of the fetal development, the stimulus response could help the development of the fetus.

According to the article, the stimulus response that most improves cognitive ability is auditory and reported. Playing music to the fetus is the most effective way to help the development of the fetus. In fact, many mothers prefer to play fetish music with the teaching method.

But how does the fetus react to music? And when, what music is good for the baby?

Fetus sensitive to auditory stimuli

The most sensitive stimulus the fetus receives is hearing. The fetus can be heard at 8 to 12 weeks after fertilization. By 20 weeks, the hearing organs are almost completed, and most of the sounds that occur outside the mother's body can be heard and react to loud sounds.

Listening to preachers' music has been found to be effective in enhancing the concentration of the fetus, improving language development and promoting body growth. According to the report, it is said that music should be started after 27 weeks.

Also, since loud noise can cause problems with the growth of children, we recommend listening to less than 80dB of calm music.

It is a hearing stimulation to help the development of the fetus to listen to the sound of calm nature through the light preaching trip.

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