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The fins help the fish to swim. However, the pink pro mouse, Chow Nooks Pixus, also has a foot function.

Chowkhunx Pixus is strangely resembling four amphibians and is often called a sea toad. This species was found near Puerto Rico.

Pink Frog mice are not the only species that can walk. Bat-like fish with red lips move as if they are walking on the ocean floor using their fins. It was observed that dying vocal cords also walked along the sandy seabed.

There are also fish that can walk on land as well as under water. Fins fly into the pond from one pond to another.

Famous for living outside of the water for many days, pegs can move from one place to another in succession and even climb on mangrove trees.

Some 'walking' fish species show clues as to how the animal first moved from sea to land.

It was observed that a cave dwelling in a cave in Thailand rises like a four-wheeled animal like a salute, rather than twitching or poking on a waterfall.

Researchers say cave fish have a unique body structure and have invisible gaits to other fish species.

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