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There is no way that what you are doing will proceed as planned. Sometimes men and women who have grown up in different living environments and live with their families are sometimes forced to make a decision to divorce. However, divorce is never easy. Especially if you have children.

Child psychologist Dr. Gary Chapman's book, "Five Love Languages," says parents should be truthful to their children during the divorce preparation process. Explain that protecting a child by lying is not the best solution.

Chapman emphasizes, rather, that parents tell their children about the process of divorce and "keep the child informed that it is not his fault." Many divorced families tend to think that their parents' misfortune is what happened to them.

The most stressful situation for the children of the divorced family is that they should start to treat the two people who are considered to be one person as a parent as a separate individual and to treat them differently. Therefore, it is necessary for the child to have time to rethink this idea.

Elizabeth O., a pediatric psychologist at the University of California, San Francisco, said, "Parental divorce is a very big event in a child's life, so it is not revealed at a young age, but the stress is likely to appear in adulthood. Role plays an important role in getting used to the look of the new home. "

The interaction of parents and children allows the child to accept the divorce situation of the parents and adjust themselves to the situation of the new family.

In divorce, the part that parents need to be most nervous about is to make sure that they do not feel less loved by their parents than they did before they got divorced.

Chapman emphasized that "parents should be careful to tell their children that both parents love themselves now and forever." He emphasized that direct interaction is a major part of the child's development after divorce.

If you show your child that parents are doing well in a rational way at the time of a divorce, the child will not grow up to be an adult and appealing to emotions.

Dr. Chapman explains that "I will live there in the future, and we will live here. But you and me will continue to be together like this, "he said.

Divorce is never an easy decision. However, experts said they could keep the relationship between the child and the parents by paying little attention to it.

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