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There are kindergartens where children can go to school from the age of three or four or more, but not all children of this age can get kindergarten education in preparation for school enrollment. In order for your child to receive pre-school education, you must first consider whether you are ready to be involved with other emotional, cognitive, and physical children. If so, should I send my child to kindergarten?

A US pediatric researcher analyzed the benefits and costs of children's education. Of course, learning at a young age is hardly called "education," but according to experts, children who attended kindergarten were more likely to receive college education after high school. This was true even if I had been in kindergarten for a very short period of time.

In particular, children enrolled in kindergartens who teach reading, writing, and mathematics showed superior academic ability than children who did not.

The researchers publish their research results under the heading 'Current state of science knowledge on the effects of kindergarten,' and claimed that some pre-school education programs could even help lower crime rates in the United States. They believe it has a positive effect on sending a child to kindergarten, and this effect appears years after the child grows up. In addition, children who had experienced early childhood education performed better when they entered elementary school.

The researchers followed a total of 1,400 children until they were 35 years old. When I became an adult who had children who attended kindergarten, they received a degree of 48% higher than those who did not. The findings were published in the 2018 edition of the JAMA pediatric journal, a journal for children and adolescents.

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