A study of single life in Britain shows increased risk of dementia.
Fourteen studies on the impact of the onset of dementia at the University College of London have shown that single life can lead to dementia.
The study included a population of 800,000 people aged 65 years or older, and people living alone had a 42 percent chance of developing dementia. Particularly widows showed a 20% incidence of dementia, while those who divorced did not show symptoms of dementia.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dementia is a chronic disease affecting memory, thinking ability and behavior.
The incidence of dementia is expected to increase over the next several decades. Approximately 10 million people around the world are suffering from dementia, and the number of dementia patients is expected to increase dramatically to 75 million by 2030 and to 132 million by 2050.

"There are many studies that show that married people generally live longer and enjoy better health," said Dr. Laura Fips, a member of the British Institute for Dementia.
Dr. Phipps advised that staying with a partner can help keep the brain active for a long time.
Phipps noted that partners may encourage them to participate in a healthy lifestyle and "help them to preserve their cognitive abilities by social interaction," which can take care of each other.
There are many ways for single people to interact with others in a societal way. Family, and friends. But the interaction with the partner is still the most efficient.
"For decades, social scientists have been concerned about the disappearance of connections between the social members and the increasing number of lonely narcissists," said Eric Klinenberg, a sociologist and researcher at New York University.
"Health and human relationships are not about statistics, but about choosing what works best for them," Simon Petgett wrote in a Toronto article. Everyone has the right to do everything they think is good for them. Life is not a race. If you are not interested in marriage, at least you should be careful to fall into narcissism with yourself. "

Dr. Phipps said, "Actively acting physically, mentally, and socially is an important aspect of healthy life, and it can be done by everyone, regardless of marriage. Maintaining a healthy relationship with maintaining good health is different. You should make sure you eat healthy food, drink enough water, take a good night's sleep, and exercise properly. It would be helpful to spend time with family and friends. "