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It is important to be active during childhood, daytime, and at the right time to get enough sleep at night. Sleep is an essential activity for all humans, and is the best way to rest and rest after a long day. However, sleep deprivation can be adversely affected physically and mentally, so it is important that parents with children always observe carefully to ensure that the child has enough sleep.

In general, children sleep deeper than adults. However, diagnosing sleep problems is not easy. Because the symptoms are less clear than adults, it is somewhat difficult to find the cause. Determining whether a child suffers from sleep deprivation requires diverse and careful attention and observation skills.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a condition of sleep disturbance, in which you are awake at night or having trouble sleeping. In most cases, complaints of this condition are associated with a feeling of non-recovering sleep and daytime dysfunction.

This disorder is also categorized into various factors such as the duration, severity, and frequency of sleep related conditions. If you have short-term insomnia you can only suffer from a few days to a few weeks, but long-term insomnia can occur more than three times a month. Other symptoms that children may experience as insomnia include hypersensitivity, mood swings, hyperactivity, depressed mood, aggression, loss of concentration, and memory problems.

Causes of childhood insomnia

Insomnia in childhood can be a result of a wide variety of factors, especially today. The most common reason is that the children are awake too late. Too much activity during the day or too much homework, or time spent on text messaging, phone calls, watching TV, playing video games, etc., can cause you to go to bed late. Parents should be able to sleep for about 10 to 11 hours daily for children between the ages of 6 and 12.

You should also be able to observe your child being stressed. This is because young children's ability to cope with stress can be absent, which can lead to greater problems. In this case, parents can ask about their study or life to see if their child is currently under stress. It is especially important to be aware of the child's current feelings, such as family problems such as financial problems and marriage problems, which can cause excessive stress on the child. This can lead to insomnia.

You also need to know if your child is comfortable in bed. Occasionally, mild conditions such as noise, heat, and cold can make the child unable to get enough sleep. In order to change the composition of the environment, the bedroom may be reconstructed again.

In a recent study, it was found that the mother's close working schedule could cause children's sleep problems. Science Daily says children between the ages of five and nine may not be able to sleep properly if their mother's work schedule is not flexible.

"Parental schedules have an impact on your child's sleeping habits," said Orpheus Buckston, a professor of biomedical health at the Pennsylvania State University. "There is a connection between the incompetent parent's working schedule and the children's sleep pattern." "But there is no clear cause for why this is happening, and perhaps the mother's incompetent work schedule can keep her from having a regular bedtime schedule," he said. "Positive work is positive "It is important for the child to grow, so if the element is absent, the child can suffer from sleep."

Treatment of childhood insomnia

If your child experiences insomnia symptoms, it is best to visit the hospital first. It is also desirable to determine whether treatment should be given through a diagnosis. Currently, there are no specific medicines that help children with insomnia, but once diagnosed, they are usually prescribed antihistamines and other medications.

In fact, according to the survey, three out of four doctors recommend not to prescribe a treatment for childhood insomnia. Most prescriptions are for the purpose of relieving parental concerns. Carol L. Rosen pointed out that many doctors were surprised at the fact that they are recommending or recommending medication to help children sleep when they travel. However, in children with autism and ADHD symptoms, sleep disturbance is a very different problem because it is well known.

In most cases, your doctor prescribes sedative antidepressant drugs such as amitriptyline, melatonin, melatonin, clonidine, and risperidone. However, parents can help resolve insomnia by non-medication even if it is not a prescription. For example, read a book before sleeping or restrict watching TV. It is desirable to set up a consistent and steady work schedule for sleeping time and morning time.

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