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It is exciting to bring a new kitten home, but it gets worse when this kitten climbs up the curtains and scratches the furniture. Find out how to control the full energy of kittens.

According to an article posted on pet MD by pet columnist Jessica Lemitz, the level of energy a cat has depends on its age. If this kitten has been around for 8 weeks, it will already be active and even climb up the furnishings because the activity is not controlled yet. Kittens will grow older and begin to go after toys or moving objects.

In addition, it may playfully attack the owner, said Atti Hohbab, a cat behavior counselor at the American Animal Adoption Center. "Sometimes it looks like a kitten hugging, but suddenly you can knock your hand," Hobb says. This behavior is the process by which kittens become adult cats.

In addition, since cats are predators, kittens will explore new habitats and adapt themselves to hunting instincts such as jumping and biting. According to Cat Behavioral Analyst Katie Watts, she will try all the instincts the cat has, including the predator's instincts.

Watts analysts should help the kitten use his skills and make his instincts available through regular play with kittens. It can also be a way to bring another friend kitten. The most suitable playmate for a kitten is another kitten. "Kittens are the best companions for each other," Watts said.

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