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If the immune system is weak, it is exposed to attacks such as parasites, viruses, and bacteria, which increases the risk of getting sick. In particular, immunity is more important nowadays exposed to harmful environment like fine dust. If you are a child who is cold enough to have fewer meals, you should pay particular attention to how to raise your child's immunity.

Nutrient-rich meal

Another tip on how to boost your child's immunity is to eat more vegetables and fruits. Strawberries, oranges, green beans and carrots contain carotenoids and vitamin C, which are good for improving immunity.

One study has shown that warmer chicken soup is more effective than drinking cold or hot water when caught in a cold. Chicken soup is not only rich in nutrients but also helps eliminate bacteria. Another food that helps strengthen the child's immune system is yogurt, water soluble fiber and vitamin D-rich foods.

Immune enhancement by keeping enough sleep

Just as children are more likely to get sick due to lack of sleep. As you go to school and school, you may not be able to sleep enough for a long time in a daycare center. If your child can not take a nap, let's try to get to bed early.

Moderate exercise with family

The most important thing to improve the immune system is exercise. It reduces the chance of heart disease, strengthens the bones, and can also remove airways and bacteria from the lungs. On weekends, it is a good idea to stop at the park or playground for your child to play.

Hand washing and vaccination to prevent disease

It is also important to wash your hands frequently. Particularly for infants and toddlers, it is also possible for the baby to swallow before breastfeeding and when changing diapers. It is important to vaccinate in time. In particular, in the case of diseases such as chickenpox and meningitis, if the vaccination is applied, the symptoms may be lightly experienced.

If you are uncomfortable, recommend an immunity nutrient

The most important body organs to increase immunity is the intestine. Especially in children who have difficulties in defecation, or lack of fruit, vegetables, or intake, it is advisable to take lactic acid bacteria that can help the growth of multiparity bacteria, inhibition of harmful bacteria, and defecation.

Zinc enhances immunity and promotes growth hormone secretion. Syrups are recommended for up to 2 years of age, and chewable can be taken afterwards.

Vitamin D, which helps the production and activation of immune cells and strengthens the bones, can be taken in liquid form. Vitamin D is more important when there is a lot of winter or fine dust, where there is less outdoor activity and less time for exposure to sunlight.

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