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Source: Pixar Bay

You may have seen the video that the cat looks like "talking". People who have seen the video can think of cats as funny and lovely animals.

Really, can a cat talk to a person? Of course, there is no correct answer.

Certainly cats can not speak like humans. Also, cats can not logically deduce or learn complex languages. However, cats can talk with people by making their own voices. In fact, cats often ask their owners for food or affection by issuing various voices.

Some cat breeds tend to give more of their voices than other cats. For example, Siamese cats have long conversations with their masters and use various vocalizations to ask for what they want. On the other hand, hairy cat breeds such as Persian generally do not speak well.

Cats not only express their thoughts in a cry, but also communicate their opinions with gestures. Most people, however, can not interpret the cat's body language accurately. For example, a cat's tail is used to convey expressions such as fear, irritation, or satisfaction.

On the other hand, it is important to understand and listen to the pet's needs no matter how the cat communicates. In the end, if you hear the meow sound of a cat soft and satisfying, you will have to feel proud.

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