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Many dog ​​owners dress their puppies when they go out for walks in winter, but they do not wear shoes. However, if you put your shoes on a dog, you can protect it.

There are already a variety of dog shoes on the market, but dogs may not fit well. At that time, you can make dog shoes with the ingredients in your home.

Why should I wear my dog's shoes?

The soles of the dogs can withstand cold objects well. But why should I wear shoes for a puppy? It is snow, ice, salt, calcium chloride.

When buying or making dog shoes, you should consider the size and shape of your dog's feet. Otherwise, the shoe is too small or too large and the dog feels uncomfortable.

Some shoes look similar to people's shoes, and some shoes look like rubber balloons. Rubber shoes are not insulated, but protect the dog's feet from salt or calcium chloride. But wearing shoes for puppies is not an easy task. Dogs are also uncomfortable and awkward when they wear shoes, so they can not walk well.

To put on a dog's shoes easily, you can use a roll of toilet paper or a paper towel or use an empty plastic bottle.

First, if the opening of the plastic bottle is too large, it will be peeled off quickly. If it is too small, the dog's foot can be caught. If you find a suitable bottle, cut the neck of the bottle.

Put the shoes on the bottom of the cut bottle or put the rubber shoes and put the feet of the dog. Be careful not to catch the claws at this time. If it is a rubber shoe, slowly roll up the part covered by the plastic bottle and cover it with your dog's feet.

Keeping your dog safe

The most important thing to watch during winter walks is snow removers and antifreeze. If a dog treads on this material or sniffs it, it can cause a major accident.

Signs that the dog swallowed the antifreeze are vomiting, seizure, gasping, excessive thirst, coma and numbness. If you suspect that a dog has swallowed antifreeze, you should immediately visit a vet.

Be careful of thin ice. There is a risk that the sharp part of the ice breaks and hurts the dog's feet. The dog also slips on the ice, causing muscle damage.

If a dog has a long hair, it may catch ice on the hair between the toes. If you walked without wearing shoes, wash your feet clean.

If a dog has a hairy or double dog, it can get cold in winter. If possible, clothe it if possible. If the dog is young or is a dog, it is difficult to control the temperature.

There is also the danger that the tip of the tail of the tail and the tip of the ear can get caught in the statue, so adjust the walking time in winter. If your dog's skin appears white or blue, it's a sign that you've got a bronze statue. So let's take a short stroll in winter often. And let the dog drink water frequently.

If you need to keep your dog outdoors in the winter, you should often provide warm beds and freezing water to avoid winds. An electric plate may be used.

The bottom of the dog house should be separated from the ground so that the thermal effect is good. Thick and warm blanket or blankets are laid. The door should be back in the wind direction.

If the gait is slowed down, it is likely that you have arthritis. This is because cold weather exacerbates the pain of arthritis. If a dog refuses to take a walk in the winter, let's get a veterinarian's care.

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