Source: Pixar Bay |
A woman encountered a humpback whale and had a special experience. The woman testified that "the whale actively swung his head and pushed my body into the belly and pectoral fin." The real cause of this behavior was not revealed until later.
Dr. Nana Hauser, a marine biologist and director of the Whale Research Center in the Cook Islands, had an amazing experience of swimming in the ocean and being lifted up to the giant head of a whale, about 500,000 pounds (or 2,700kg).
"This experience is the first time in my life," Hauser said, "and the whale raised my body to the head, stomach, and back. I have also covered me with huge pectoral fins. "
Hauser said that if the whale continued to act aggressively toward himself, it would have ended in a "deadly encounter."
Hauser came out of the water and realized why the whale had acted. The 4.5-meter-long snake shark was hidden on the other side of the whale.
This imminent moment was documented in the video, and the whale was apparently trying to protect Hauser from a nearby shark.
In fact, this is not the first time the heroic action of humpback whales. Humpback whales have been nicknamed the "Whale Watching Hovering Killer" as part of a 2009 photo shoot that protects the Wadel Sea Seal. The brave work of humpback whales has been reported in many cases since.