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Working 8 hours a day is very difficult for a workaholic, so it is very important to check your mind and body health every so often. "Employees should not neglect self-management in their offices," said Susan Dobon, a Kansas psychotherapist.

Here are some self-help measures you can take to relieve stress in your office.

1. Have a nutritious meal. According to an article on, "Workers should not skip lunch." If you eat foods that give you energy and fullness rather than salads or simple sandwiches, you can spend the rest of your business hours energetically.

2. Stretch from time to time. You can take a short break just by straightening your arms and legs, stretching or going to the bathroom. "Just a few minutes of rest makes the body and mind refreshing," he said. "If you feel that you need a break, it's a good idea to leave the workspace for 5 to 10 minutes. It has the effect of changing perspective and improving mental strength. "

3. Watch interesting videos. 'Laughter is the best sign'. If you laugh for a few seconds, you will release a pleasant hormone and you will feel relaxed and less stressed.

4. A cluttered working space can increase stress. Organize your desk for a few minutes or change the mood with photos of your loved ones. A well-organized workspace enhances work efficiency.

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